Hybrid Storage Calculator   V2.0

Bitrate Per Camera [P1]

Bitrate Per Camera [P2]

Global Bitrate
Total storage required
  Encoding Parameter 1 Encoding Parameter 2

Refer to the Calculator tutorial on help using the Calculator

Note 1: The recommended bitrate value to set the camera to, is based on a value that would produce the best picture quality under typical environments

Note 2: Figures are approximate values. Calculations are based on systems recording continuously using the H.264H codec at a fixed bitrate.
            Higher retention periods can be acheived by setting the device to VBR (variable bitrate) with a ceiling or if the device supports it, change the CODEC to H.265

Note 3: Fisheye cameras calculations are based on recording the single 'round' fisheye stream, if recording additional dewarp streams, you should consider
             each stream as a seperate camera when using this calculator. Resolutions of dewarped streams are typically lower then the main 'fisheye' stream.
             (consult User manual for more info).

Note 4: Calculations are based upon using a constant bit rate (CBR) to determine storage space required. HDD formatting reduces available usable storage space,
             subtract 10% as a general guide.

Note 5: While this calculator can aid in determining how much 'NETWORK' bandwidth you may require for your CCTV system, you need to take into account how many Client PCs
             and mobile phone users are typically going to access the system simultaneously and add this to the Global bitrate value as well as the reverse TCP traffic
             which can account for an additional 7% of global traffic but this will vary subject to your network environment.

Note 6: Certain combinations of resolution and bitrate will not be valid (cannot be applied) to some devices.

Note 7: On some devices, setting the bitrate type to VBR or encoding strategy to AI CODEC instead of CBR/General, may produce poorer image quality.

Click the Reset button after each calculation to avoid erroneous results